In February 2000, Rita Hammer, from Division 59, Southern Alameda County, met with a small group of retired educators from the Fremont, Union City, and the Newark area to see if there was interest in organizing a new CalRTA Division for the TriCity area. After this initial meeting, a small nucleus of people led by Cora Alameda, began meeting to plan the new organization.

Things moved quickly, and in April 2000, an informational meeting led to a “vote” by those assembled to work toward a new Division. A July picnic produced the necessary fifty signatures to send to the State CalRTA, and on September 9, 2000, the state California Retired Teachers Association presented a charter to President Cora Alameda for the Fremont, Union City, Newark (FUN) Division 91, of CRTA.

Soon after this, Division 91 assisted Veteran groups in erecting a Flagpole Memorial to Veterans to honor men and women who served their country in the armed forces. The Flagpole Memorial is located next to the Fremont City Hall.